May 24, 2010

Say hi to baby Javiero!

Javiero 10 days old.

His hand is so small and fragile!

Last year, Jacelyn announced to me that she is getting married and asked me to pass the news to the other girls.
Oh well, who could have thought that Jacelyn would be 2nd in the group to get married?
Who would have thought that she will get pregnant?
And who would have thought that she'll be responsible enough to bore the child?

I have seen many around me, got pregnant and gone for abortions and I'm really really proud of Jacelyn for being so brave and doing the right thing.

Abortion, a very controversial topic...
I'm not saying that people who chose the different path is wrong or whatever. I have seen people around me going for abortion and i know that they have their very own valid reason to do so.
But I sometimes wonder what gives people the right to take away a life that God breath into? Just because people were impulsive? Just because people couldn't take up the responsibility and consequences of their actions?
I have heard reasons like financial problems, too young to get married, career not stable enough, fear of shame, etc, etc... Honestly, in my view, I don't think these excuses are larger then a life. I just feel that people worry too much for themselves that they forgotten that its a human life they are dealing with.
When there's a will, there's a way.
I know, how could i understand the feelings of those when I've never personally encounter such situation before? Well, maybe not. But what really disgust me off is when i heard stories of people going for abortion and come out like nothing happened... Some may differ but I have seen close friends going for abortion with a sunken heart thinking that its the only way to solve their problem. Its isn't really the only way, but rather, the only easy and convenient way, but still, I really sympathize with them because i believe that deep inside, they felt burned up for having to make such decision.
But some girls really CANNOT MAKE IT! After abortion, can still go shopping, eat, play around. Some go abortion like going spa. Their reason? They don't think its that big of a deal since its not really living yet. WTF??? The fact is, a child is a child whether inside or outside. Life exists at the point of conceiving, not how big it is. So who are we to decide whether the child lives or dies? Doesn't the child have a right to chose if it wants to live too? Just feel that its morally wrong and morals are losing its place at the new age. How sad...

I was a little scared to hold him as he's really so small and puny. So scared i will accidentally crush it lor... -_-" Then again, while holding him, i feel so glad meeting this little guy although we are not related. Isn't him lucky for not going down the waste?

We looked like real. LOL

He is crying for milk and trying to suck whatever he can feel his lips on.

Wishing Jacelyn the strength to face new challenges bringing up Javiero, health and happiness.
I'm really admire your courage and I'm so proud to call you my friend, my sister.

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