January 12, 2010

Mozzie Loves

In the past when I keep hamsters, I used to buy those cages with the tunnels thingy and stuffs like that. Used to have lots of them until I came to realize that those cages are very hard to clean and wash whenever I have to change the beddings and because of that, I'm lazy to change it and my hammies end up living in their shit and pee. Don't have to tell me its irresponsible, I know it.

So after being fed up, I threw away those expensive cages and uses the plastic tank which I prefer much much more now. Its all transparent and easy to clean. Now I will just sit there for very long staring at Mozzie doing funny stunts like running around frantically or rolling around in its beddings.

Plastic tanks are definitely the best although Mozzie might feel that life is so boring and meaningless. Then again, they are hamsters what! Not like they have some dream to be singers like Alvin and the chipmunks. Plus when you go to pet shops, the hammies are also chucked together in a clear glass tank right?

Pictures of Mozzie:

Since the plastic tank is so plain, I added starry 'wall paper' so it doesn't look so boring.

Simple and nice!

Mozzie is no more puny and frail. He eats all the time.

Finally away from the food bowl.

"Never mind, I got food stored in my cheek pouch. *Munch munch*"

Lets shift the attention to thumper awhile since she is always so jealous when I play with Mozzie. I think she wishes to bite her to death. Evil dog! But what I also have, is an evil father.

Dad always thinks Thumper has circus talents. I don't where he get that idea from.
He likes to make Thumper do funny things and stand in awkward positions.

Notice anything unusual from this picture?

Close up.
One fine day, dad just decided to paint her nails. I don't even know if I should thinks its funny or be pissed off. I just think its unusually funny for a grownup to do this kind of stuffs. Well, my dad is forever so disturbing. He's just cute.

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